Free Workouts


You can start with a single individual workout from the collection and see how you feel. If you are new to bodyweight training always start any workout on Level I (level of difficulty). You can pick any number of workouts per week, usually between 3 and 5 and rotate them for maximum results. Some workouts are more suitable for weight loss and toning up and others are more strength oriented, some do both. To make it easier for you to choose, they have all been labelled according to FOCUS, use it to design a training regimen based on your goal. Workout posters are read from left to right and contain the following information: grid with exercises (images), number of reps (repetitions) next to each, number of sets for your fitness level (I, II or III) and rest time.

There is no rest between exercises - only after sets, unless specified otherwise. You have to complete the entire set going from one exercise to the next as fast as you can before you can rest. What does “up to 2 minutes rest” mean: it means you can rest for up to 2 minutes but the sooner you can go again the better. Eventually your recovery time will improve naturally, you won’t need all two minutes to recover - and that will also be an indication of your improving fitness.

Recommended rest time:
Level I: 2 minutes or less
Level II: 60 seconds or less
Level III: 30 seconds or less

If you can’t do all out push-ups yet on Level I it is perfectly acceptable to do knee push-ups instead. The modification works the same muscles as a full push-up but lowers the load significantly helping you build up on it first. It is also ok to switch to knee push-ups at any point if you can no longer do full push-ups in the following sets.

Free Workout No.1

I will help you set goals and reach them. I don't just show you how to do an exercise; I educate you in the areas of strength training, cardiovascular endurance, and proper nutrition.

Free Workout No.2

Understanding the way your body and its processes work and how to influence it is the most important step to your dream body.

Free Workout NO.3

A professionally developed personal training program that was created specifically for you will take you as far as you want to go.

Weight Loss Program No.4

As a personal trainer I help you define, set and succeed at your specific tasks. My job is to motivate, provide direction and give you the tools to make lifelong changes.